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White Patch on Face  

White spots on face, often referred as hypopigmentation or white patches, can be a matter of concern for suffering individuals. White spots on facial skin can manifest for multiple reasons and one's confidence can get impacted due to this. We will discuss the causes of white spots on face and get into treatment options to help you to regain even-toned clear skin.
These white spots are often termed Vitiligo which is getting a widespread disorder since past many years. Generally, it is defined after appearance of white patches. This could happen due to an allergy with perfumes, cosmetics or due to accidental reasons. In such scenario these could be termed Leucoderma. Else self-generated once are termed Vitiligo. Autoimmunity is considered most known reason behind both. White patch on face starts with depigmentation of skin which acquires skin area in shape of a white spot or a white patch forming vitiligo spots. One cannot predict its spreading pattern without being under treatment. Face is the most exposed area of body, thus is vulnerable for skin diseases like Vitiligo.
The nature and spread of vitiligo can be different in different people. One individual hold one patch for whole life and another person can suffer vast spreading. This all depends on how far a person’s immunity is affected and of course on his dietary habits and lifestyle also. But facial vitiligo is mostly seen is case of small kids.

How Anti Vitiligo Kit helps in treatment of white patches on face?

Anti Vitiligo Kit is a herbal treatment provided by Ayurhealthline for re-storation of lost pigments over a white spot on face. The kit has herbal Ayurvedic medicines to promote & regularise melanin pigmentation cycle by activating sleeping melanocyte cells. These herbs promote pigmentation cycle for colouration of a white patch on face.
Also, with colouration these herbs also help in immunity re-storation which helps in spreading control of the white spot in face areas.

Some additives sometimes play a very important role in facial vitiligo cure. 

Doing Yoga (pranayama & kapalbhati) regularly can reduce daily stress level which help in faster healing.
Using copper utensil for drinking water storage will make the difference faster.
Following dietary restrictions can prevent spreading.
Daily intake of chickpeas commonly known as desi chana will help.
Avoiding chemical treatment or cortisone will help in faster healing.
Avoiding stress and developing positive thinking are known key factors in faster healing in Vitiligo & Leucoderma cases.
Ayurhealthline is working in the field of eradicating Vitiligo since past 19 years, and it has helped many vitiligo sufferers to get back their self-esteem.

white patches on face

vitiligo on face


White patch on Face is the most disturbing and annoying experience in a person's life. Face is the area which has most sensitive skin by nature. Facial skin must face all the climatic variations & changes at first. The face gets most exposure in human life. Onset of white patch on face is most common among small kids and adults. Small kids get caught with white patches on face due to delicate skin there. In adults’ interaction of bleach, shaving creams or other chemical products can be a reason behind facial vitiligo.
Facial vitiligo causes very awful situation in the life of a person. As the face gets a white spot, it almost disturbs the psychosomatic state of the person’s mind. The person starts to feel embarrassed and may get into deep depression after onset of facial vitiligo. Such situation should be completely avoided by any means. The sufferer must handle the situation wisely & calmly. As Vitiligo spots are seen to be increasing with stress. Taking stress in this condition will be much risky. Yoga, meditation along with positive approach towards a correct treatment can be helpful.
Numerous suppressive treatments claim cure for white patches on face but fail to do so as suppression reacts vitiligo. It cannot be treated with cortisone and other steroids or immunomodulators mostly used in modern medical science. 

Ayurvedic Treatment for White spots on Face

Ayurvedic treatment is seen to be effective in white spots on face along with segmental vitiligo cases also. As Ayurvedic specialist explains about the healing pattern in Vitiligo, their medicines suggest that it starts coverage and healing from high blood circulation areas like face & neck towards other areas depending on blood flow. In other words, patients of facial vitiligo can expect faster results from Ayurvedic treatment. The theory of maximum exposure over face makes the healing faster along with correct specialised Ayurvedic Anti Vitiligo treatment.
Role of Diet & Lifestyle restrictions are of much importance in any type of Vitiligo. In facial vitiligo exposure to direct sun for prolonged hours should be avoided on regular basis. Apart from this use of chemicals, scrubs, bleaches, and other beauty products & treatments should either be minimised or stopped completely. Use of adhesive on face or forehead should be restricted. Hair colour uses should be stopped.
As there are many cases of children having white patches on face reported, the diet & lifestyle restrictions are mandatory in these cases. Chlorinated water swimming or water park visits can aggravate vitiligo in such cases. Sun exposure in mid-day can also act negatively. Junk food intake, juices, aerated drinks should be stopped completely in small children.
At Ayurhealthline our Vitiligo Specialist Dr.Ravish kamal spread awareness about the same by writing Blogs & by arranging Vitiligo consultation camps, online consultation programs about white spots on face since past 19 years. Ayurvedic treatment for vitiligo on face is also provided by him and the Ayurvedic Anti Vitiligo treatment acts in a better way to provide immunity and restore pigmentation without any side effects. Facial vitiligo cases get treated faster with the herbal treatment as the medicines acts fast on high blood circulatory areas as face, neck etc.
Conclusion: Embracing Confidence and Clarity
White spots on the face may appear suddenly and raise concerns, but with proper diagnosis and Ayurvedic specialized treatment, even toned and clear skin can be restored. Consultation with the Vitiligo Specialist to determine the cause behind your white spots and explore suitable Ayurvedic Anti Vitiligo Kit treatment combinations, ultimately embracing confidence and clarity in your skin.

Remember, it's essential to 
consult a Vitiligo Specialist Ayurvedic consultant for an accurate diagnosis and personalized treatment plan for white spots on face.

Preacutions in vitiligo

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